Durante siglos y siglos de historia, sociedades enteras se han creído invencibles. Egipcios, Mayas, Incas, Romanos, la España Colonial, Mesopotamia… todos tuvieron su momento dorado, pero tarde o temprano, todos cayeron. Algunos incluso desaparecieron de la faz de la tierra.
Como bien sabemos, actualmente existen "imperios" que dominan el mundo, ya sean marcas internacionales como Nike, Google o Mc Donalds, o países cuyos gobiernos determinan el futuro no solo de su territorio, si no del planeta entero. Pero, siempre se olvidan de que lo que una vez subió, tarde o temprano caerá. Un claro ejemplo de esto es Camboya.
It is amazing how humans and certain societies believe they are invincible and during sometime, they are. Egyptians, Incas, Roman, Colonial Spain, Mesopotamia… They all had their glorious days but sooner or later fell and some, totally disappeared from the face of the earth. As we well know, in the present, there are "empires" that dominate the world. International brands like Nike, Mc Donalds or Google, or countries whose governments not only determine the future of their territory but sometimes the whole planet. But, how can they forget that what goes up, will later plummet. A clear example of this is Cambodia.